Ephesians 4:26–27
Parorgismos (anger) is not momentary outward, boiling–over rage or inward, seething resentment, but rather a deep–seated, determined and settled conviction. In this passage, its New Testament use can represent an emotion good or bad, depending on motive and purpose.
There seems to be an ever increasing problem in this world, "Anger". Anger pops up in every venue even the believers life. How can we be angry and yet be without sin at the same time?
There are many occasions where we have opportunity to be angry but what we do with that anger is at the very core of our hearts. You see where our hearts are there our treasure is and it reveals who we really are. How do we take our anger and manage it of direct it?
We must first identify the root cause of the anger which has taken root somewhere in our lives. Where does it stem from? Anger comes from many places-
Injustice—when people mistreat us.
Strife—which is repressed anger, Strife is often exhibited in arguing, bickering, heated disagreements.
Impatience—When our progress is hindered or slowed down because of others.
Abuse of any kind—sexual, physical, verbal, emotional or mental abuse almost always leads to anger.
Unmet needs—can also produce anger.
Jealousy—anger caused by jealousy was one of the first negative emotions mentioned in the Bible.
(Joyce Meyers)
We are told in Ephesians 4:26-27to not let the sun go down on our wrath. In, 2Timothy 4:5 "But as for you, be clear-headed in every situation (stay calm and cool and steady), endure hardship (without flinching), do the work of an evangelist, fulfill (the duty of) your ministry.
How do we do this? Through daily submitting ourselves to God in prayer and practice, practice, practice!!! I also personally us exercise (running) as a way to spend time with God and burn some of the pent-up issues in my heart!
Anger as stated above is a natural tendency to opposition as mentioned, but taking control of the anger and not allowing it to control you is key. Then and only then can you be guaranteed not to sin.
ReplyDeleteProverbs 16:32 reminds usof our status as we rule our spirit.