"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits."
first and just let whatever comes to the for front of our
minds pass through our lips? All to often this is the case. Many of us, myself at the top of the list, lack self control because of the environment we allow ourselves to be influenced by. We as follows of Christ have become what scripture warns us about, lukewarm. We are so far removed from the FIRE of the the Holy Spirit and been there so long we don't even know that we are cold. While we have existed for so long in the cold place of our relationship with God, we no long know who He is or even who we are as a Christian. Once again I say to myself and to you who read this, let us RUN back to God! Back to the flame of His love and Holiness. The Church has become a comfortable place where you can't see the difference between us and the world. We have allowed ourselves, myself, a place where we have excepted that this is the way life should be. We must begin to speak life to ourselves and to those around us. Never forgetting the Grace afforded to us as we speak to others. Proverbs 16:24(ESV)24 Gracious words are like a honeycomb,sweetness to the soul and health to the body.
Now as we move closer to the flame getting deeper and deeper into the center of the flame remember God is Holy and He calls us to be Holy. Not that we are perfect but we are being made perfect as we draw closer to Him. As we draw closer to him our speech, our talk, our conversations become more in line with His. Not religious talk, real relationship talk. Ephesians 4:29(ESV) 29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Let's get back to the place of our first love and be passionate for Him once again. Build yourself up and other in Christ!
Amen to that brother!