Life brings its challenges that God uses to shape our lives. Its a choice we make each and every time we face a crossroad of decision. The decision we make is our inward reaction or action we take in any given situation. Our attitude can shape and mold the outcome of anyone of these circumstances. When faced with good or bad times reaction is many times based on our "old nature", before Christ. In order to have a "reaction" that is in the character of Christ we must model our actions after Christ attitude.
Before I get into the attitude of Christ I think it important to understand a biblical view of Christ. He is all powerful. All authority is given to Him. He understood His purpose never gave in nor did He ever quit. He was confrontational with the spiritual leaders of the day yet compassion filled his heart for the people.
Jesus' attitude was one of determination to do everything and anything it took to fulfill his Fathers will. He set an example for us in his attitude toward prayer. Each and everyday he took the time, made the time, to spend with God in prayer. No matter what Jesus was faced with, such as his friends abandoning him in his great time of need. Having one of his disciples deny he even knew him. Facing death all alone. He never said I quit. That sounds like someone who might understand what I have gone through. Christ counted it all joy. It was the very joy of bringing us back into right relationship with our heavenly Father that drove Jesus to keep on going.
Do you feel like giving up, washing your hands of the whole thing? Then "ARM" yourself today with the very same attitude of Christ when you are suffering or going through a difficult time. Through Christ you can do all things.
1 Peter 4
1 Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. 2 As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.